Hi there and welcome!

Hi there! I just wanted to say welcome! thanks for visiting my website and welcome to the blog. First off, I have to extend a HUGE thank you to some key people in getting my website up and running… thanks to Jesse and Jason for all of their help. I love the site, and I even got to get my hands dirty in design and content so that was tons of fun!

Since September 15th, I have decided to start my own business, take the WPIC course and get certified, started building my vendor database and have met many amazing industry vendors and business owners (thank you all!) The response to my entry into the Red Deer scene has honestly been so amazing and I’m SO excited to be officially “in business” now! 

I am SO committed to creating beautiful weddings that will create memories that will last a lifetime for couples!

In my blog, I hope to provide an inside look at the best tips & tricks for couples navigating through Covid waters (I am a covid bride, myself), vendor spotlights, how to’s, answers to your questions about etiquette, trends, and much more! 

Welcome, everyone!

Let’s get this thing started!!!