The Suite Life

Anyone who has planned a wedding will tell you about all of the big things you need to get done. Book a venue. Find the perfect dress. Source a photographer and go for cake tastings. Surely every little task has been taken care of, but there’s one detail that gets often overlooked… planning for the morning of the wedding day.

Have you thought about everything that goes into getting ready the morning of your wedding day? Choosing where you and your bridal party are going to spend one of the most lengthy parts of your day is often overlooked and should be factored into your planning from the start! Consider the space that you will use to get ready as the headquarters for your wedding party and you. It will house all of your necessities, including clothes, dresses, makeup, and people! Not only will it serve as party central for all of those amazing moments your photographer will capture with your girl squad, but it will provide you with a sanctuary when you need to take a moment of peace, to reflect or calm your nerves.

The luxurious bridal suite at Sweet Haven Barn

If you don’t have the luxury of having space at home, finding a venue with a bridal suite built in can be a nice way to shave some money off of the budget… no need to book a hotel room just for a space to get ready. Many of today’s venues have bridal suites available for you to use. Some are included in the cost and some you can rent for a nominal fee. Whether you are getting ready at a hotel, your house or in your venue’s bridal suite, here are a few things you need to factor in when determining how to set up camp in order to make it a bridal morning to remember!

Make sure you have a suite with lots of windows and tons of lighting. First of all, your photographer will love all of the natural light – it will make a huge difference in all of those amazingly beautiful getting ready pics with your girls. Secondly, your makeup artist and hairstylist will thank you as they can then make sure you look stunning from every angle! Plus, who doesn’t love sunlight?! You’ll be spending hours in this space, bright and cheery will make the whole gang happy and relaxed. If there is insufficient natural light, talk to your vendors to see if they can bring additional lighting.

52 North Venue has a lovely bridal suite AND a lounge to chill in

Make sure you take into consideration that the size of your bridal suite matches the size of your bridal party. The last thing you want is everyone crammed into a tiny space that won’t allow them to be comfortable, plus you’ll have your hair and makeup people there, your photographer, and potentially your parent and grandparents too! Allowing a space big enough for people to work is paramount. Making sure you get those amazing pictures of your entire party in those cute robes and of you stepping into your gown without leaning on a wall or tripping on a suitcase. Appropriate space is so important. Speaking of your gown, make sure your suite has a bridal gown display area, and don’t forget the hangers! Not only does it create those magical dress shots that every bride wants, but it will serve as a functional area to both keep your dress safe and to steam and prep it.

Photo Credit: Jeremy Wong Weddings, Unsplash

Don’t forget to stock your bridal suite area with essentials! Snacks – and lots of them – are going to be super important as your morning progresses. Your bridal party will need sustenance and it will be a reminder for YOU to eat as well. Also, make sure there is lots of water on hand. Proper hydration (in between sips of champagne) is going to be key for you. Easy finger foods are good choices like charcuterie boards or finger sandwiches, anything that’s easy and not messy. Take a pass on those buffalo chicken wings this time! You can even take a look at having food brought in from a local restaurant… just make sure you check that out about a week in advance! Other bridal suite must-haves include a good bluetooth speaker and a morning of playlist! Music probably isn’t at the forefront of your mind, but nothing adds to the enjoyment of getting ready than a great song and it gives you a chance to relax and have fun with your tribe! Put your Maid of Honor in charge of finding all of the best wedding tunes and I’ll bet everyone is using their hairbrushes as microphones in no time! Talk about memories! Don’t forget to bring your device chargers too… even if you are having an unplugged ceremony, those phones will be out all morning taking behind the scenes and candid shots. Priceless!

Diamond In the Rough has an amazing rustic suite for the ladies,
and even a space for the guys!

Don’t forget a good emergency kit for all of those situations that are unexpected and a dedicated cup for your ladies in waiting. This one might sound insignificant, but with so many girls in the same room, it can be so easy to lose track of which glass is yours. Use this as an opportunity to gift each of your girl squad members a memorable keepsake… a water tumbler with each of their names and the wedding date or a monogrammed champagne flute… practical and they’ll love it! Plus they make for excellent picture props!

Remember, at the end of the day, this will be the most exciting day of your life! Have fun and enjoy this special time with your most important people. Grab that mimosa and let the pampering begin!

Check out these featured venues:

52 North Venue:

Sweet Haven Barn:

Diamond in the Rough:

Photo credit: Shellie Michael